Review appered in Hindu on April 6th of 2010. - -Meera Srinivasan
Coming at a time when Indian cinema and particularly Tamil Cinema is witnessing some intersting changes , this book by Sivan chronicle the evolution of world cinema in a simpale and lucid manner. He takes the reader on a journey through world cinema not by tracing innovations and momentes develeopments but by relating stories about the people behind them.
Early on , the authour transports the reader to the late 19th century France as the projects the seen, in the dark hall of hotel Grand day cafe with about thirty five people , when the first ever motion picture , ' workers leaving the lumiere factory ', of the lumiere brothers , was screened . Sivan looks at the History of cinema in three significant time - spanes.1885 - 1929 ( silent films ) ; 1930 - 1960 ( talkies ) and 1961 to 2008 ( Modern Cinema ). If the treatment is systamatic the narrative and the deatails provided testify to the amount of research perservance that has gone in to the product.
In the later part of the book , the authour looks at some of the leading techinicians and actors of the Industry , and highlights , their contribution .
A valuable guide to understanding the medium through a historical persepective , it is bound to keep the lay cinema buff as well as the connoisseur engaged.
The production of the book is in the international standard and priced at the lowest for Rs.440.Total number of pages 708 , and its includes valuable photos more than 500.
This can be had at Vadhini Book Sellers or Sri Bhagavathy Puthagallayam at 19/20 , Rani Anna Nagar , P .T. Rajan Salai , K.k. Nagar , Chennai 600 078.For tamil nadu buyers can send the money order to the above address with Rs.50 for the Courier Charges.Other than Tamil Nadu please add Rs.70.Out side India readers kindly check with us through e mail for the shipping charges at vadhini@ and
Release function still courtesy : Dianamalar.